The wedding & reception have been sucessfully completed! Thanks and more thanks to all of those who attended. Wedding Wrapup: View the official Photo Gallery - View the Wedding Videos! Bonus: Listen to the Rejected Wedding Songs Medley! Eric: "I knew we'd eventually get married when early on we discussed weddings and Heather said she wanted to have a Pig Roast instead of a huge church wedding." Come share our bliss and our feast! Dress for a “Backyard Barbeque” & bring an appetite because the food & the fun are “All you can eat”! We're on the annual upgrade plan. We met in May 2003 over and moved in together in June of 2004. Eric Proposed in September of 2005 and we're getting married in 2006. The Honeymoon is planned for 2007 of course! For more history the relationship, the proposal & weddings in general, check out Eric's writeups - "I'm Engaged!" & "I'm Married!" Menu: |